LaSalle Public Library received a $300,000 donation from Carus before the pollution monitor at the library stopped reporting.

The Carus family donates money to community organizations and non-profits to gain influence over city council. The donation listed below was made the the LaSalle Public Library shortly after the Sierra Club testified at a La Salle city council meeting about air pollution from Carus. The air pollution monitoring system that the Sierra used data is located on the roof of the LaSalle Library

June 11, 2023, LA SALLE, IL – Carus donated over $300,000 to LaSalle Public Library shortly after the Sierra Club testified at the city council meeting about heavy metals and air pollution being emitted from Carus Chemicals.

On Thursday, State Representative Lance Yednock met with LaSalle Mayor Jeff Grove, the city attorney and aldermen at the library.

Since the day of the meeting, the PurpleAir monitor on the roof of the library that records airborne particulate matter has been down.

Coincidence, or are they trying to hide something?

See for yourself. Following is a link to the purple air website that shows airborne particulate matter in LaSalle. As you will see, the monitor has been down since Thursday when they all met at the library.…

PurpleAir Monitor, LaSalle Public Library, 5:16 am June 11, 2023.
The monitor stopped recording airborne particulate June 8, 2023 at 5:41 am.

As you can also see, the particulate matter was at dangerously high levels for much of last week until the monitor went down.

EPA: Carus Chemical Too Big to Fail

Carus Chemical is the only producer of potassium permanganate and sodium permanganate in the Western Hemisphere.

This explains a lot about the lack of accountability, and the City of LaSalle bending over backwards and covering for Carus as residents became aware of illegally stored product in a crumbling building behind their homes.

Because of its unique geology and minerals, La Salle County, Illinois, has become a center for resource extraction and chemical manufacturing.

WLPO Interview – Carus Chemical Explosion aftermath w/ LaSalle resident

LaSalle resident, Jamie Hicks was interviewed on WLPO, Starved Rock News-Talk radio about the aftermath of the Carus Chemical disaster. Jamie was outside when the explosion happened, which caused chemicals to rain down on to a LaSalle neighborhood. Jamie’s body was covered in purple chemicals as was his home, truck and yard.

He says the city is not standing behind citizens and that he was escorted out of a news conference by the fire chief and police chief.

The WLPO interviewer then mentioned that LaSalle’s Mayor Jeff Grove was heard bragging about Carus at a recent luncheon, despite this incident.

Listen to the full interview: